cSlider: arrêter la lecture automatique au passage de la souris

Comment puis-je arrêter la fonction de lecture automatique de cSlider avec un événement onmouseover?



Ce que j’ai essayé jusqu’à présent avec jQuery:

 $(function() { $('#da-slider').cslider({ autoplay : true, bgincrement : 450 }); }); $('#da-slider').hover(function() { if($('#daslider').autoplay('true')){ autoplay: false } }, function () { autoplay: true }); 

C’est celui que j’utilise:


Cette fonctionnalité n’est pas implémentée par défaut mais cela ne devrait pas vous empêcher de l’implémenter vous-même. Regardez le code du plugin modifié ci-dessous (attirer l’attention sur les méthodes stop et ‘start’)

 (function ($, undefined) { /* * Slider object. */ $.Slider = function (options, element) { this.$el = $(element); this._init(options); }; $.Slider.defaults = { current: 0, // index of current slide bgincrement: 50, // increment the bg position (parallax effect) when sliding autoplay: false, // slideshow on / off interval: 4000 // time between transitions }; $.Slider.prototype = { _init: function (options) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.Slider.defaults, options); this.$slides = this.$el.children('div.da-slide'); this.slidesCount = this.$slides.length; this.current = this.options.current; if (this.current < 0 || this.current >= this.slidesCount) { this.current = 0; } this.$slides.eq(this.current).addClass('da-slide-current'); var $navigation = $(''); for (var i = 0; i < this.slidesCount; ++i) { $navigation.append(''); } $navigation.appendTo(this.$el); this.$pages = this.$el.find('nav.da-dots > span'); this.$navNext = this.$el.find('span.da-arrows-next'); this.$navPrev = this.$el.find('span.da-arrows-prev'); this.isAnimating = false; this.bgpositer = 0; this.cssAnimations = Modernizr.cssanimations; this.cssTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions; if (!this.cssAnimations || !this.cssAnimations) { this.$el.addClass('da-slider-fb'); } this._updatePage(); // load the events this._loadEvents(); // slideshow if (this.options.autoplay) { this._startSlideshow(); } }, _navigate: function (page, dir) { var $current = this.$slides.eq(this.current), $next, _self = this; if (this.current === page || this.isAnimating) return false; this.isAnimating = true; // check dir var classTo, classFrom, d; if (!dir) { (page > this.current) ? d = 'next' : d = 'prev'; } else { d = dir; } if (this.cssAnimations && this.cssAnimations) { if (d === 'next') { classTo = 'da-slide-toleft'; classFrom = 'da-slide-fromright'; ++this.bgpositer; } else { classTo = 'da-slide-toright'; classFrom = 'da-slide-fromleft'; --this.bgpositer; } this.$el.css('background-position', this.bgpositer * this.options.bgincrement + '% 0%'); } this.current = page; $next = this.$slides.eq(this.current); if (this.cssAnimations && this.cssAnimations) { var rmClasses = 'da-slide-toleft da-slide-toright da-slide-fromleft da-slide-fromright'; $current.removeClass(rmClasses); $next.removeClass(rmClasses); $current.addClass(classTo); $next.addClass(classFrom); $current.removeClass('da-slide-current'); $next.addClass('da-slide-current'); } // fallback if (!this.cssAnimations || !this.cssAnimations) { $next.css('left', (d === 'next') ? '100%' : '-100%').stop().animate({ left: '0%' }, 1000, function () { _self.isAnimating = false; }); $current.stop().animate({ left: (d === 'next') ? '-100%' : '100%' }, 1000, function () { $current.removeClass('da-slide-current'); }); } this._updatePage(); }, _updatePage: function () { this.$pages.removeClass('da-dots-current'); this.$pages.eq(this.current).addClass('da-dots-current'); }, _startSlideshow: function () { var _self = this; this.slideshow = setTimeout(function () { var page = (_self.current < _self.slidesCount - 1) ? page = _self.current + 1 : page = 0; _self._navigate(page, 'next'); if (_self.options.autoplay) { _self._startSlideshow(); } }, this.options.interval); }, page: function (idx) { if (idx >= this.slidesCount || idx < 0) { return false; } if (this.options.autoplay) { clearTimeout(this.slideshow); this.options.autoplay = false; } this._navigate(idx); }, stop: function () { if (this.options.autoplay) { clearTimeout(this.slideshow); this.options.autoplay = false; } }, start: function () { this.options.autoplay = true; this._startSlideshow(); }, _loadEvents: function () { var _self = this; this.$pages.on('click.cslider', function (event) { _self.page($(this).index()); return false; }); this.$navNext.on('click.cslider', function (event) { if (_self.options.autoplay) { clearTimeout(_self.slideshow); _self.options.autoplay = false; } var page = (_self.current < _self.slidesCount - 1) ? page = _self.current + 1 : page = 0; _self._navigate(page, 'next'); return false; }); this.$navPrev.on('click.cslider', function (event) { if (_self.options.autoplay) { clearTimeout(_self.slideshow); _self.options.autoplay = false; } var page = (_self.current > 0) ? page = _self.current - 1 : page = _self.slidesCount - 1; _self._navigate(page, 'prev'); return false; }); if (this.cssTransitions) { if (!this.options.bgincrement) { this.$el.on('webkitAnimationEnd.cslider animationend.cslider OAnimationEnd.cslider', function (event) { if (event.originalEvent.animationName === 'toRightAnim4' || event.originalEvent.animationName === 'toLeftAnim4') { _self.isAnimating = false; } }); } else { this.$el.on('webkitTransitionEnd.cslider transitionend.cslider OTransitionEnd.cslider', function (event) { if (event.target.id === _self.$el.attr('id')) _self.isAnimating = false; }); } } } }; var logError = function (message) { if (this.console) { console.error(message); } }; $.fn.cslider = function (options) { if (typeof options === 'ssortingng') { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, 'cslider'); if (!instance) { logError("cannot call methods on cslider prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'"); return; } if (!$.isFunction(instance[options]) || options.charAt(0) === "_") { logError("no such method '" + options + "' for cslider instance"); return; } instance[options].apply(instance, args); }); } else { this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, 'cslider'); if (!instance) { $.data(this, 'cslider', new $.Slider(options, this)); } }); } return this; }; })(jQuery); 

Avec le plugin mis à jour, vous pouvez suspendre et renouveler la lecture automatique avec ce code:

 $('#da-slider').hover( function () { $(this).cslider("stop"); }, function () { $(this).cslider("start"); } );